The Tapestry of Travel

The Tapestry of Travel

Completed: Summer 2023

Client: MARTA Artbound, Fulton County Arts & Culture

Sector: Technology & Arts

Scope of Work: Application Design, Branding


What is the color of going home?

Over the summer of 2023, I completed a residency program with the Fulton County Public Art Futures Lab and MARTA Artbound that explored how we can make collaborative public art at scale using AI. 

The problem I worked on over 14 weeks is this, in a nutshell:

  • MARTA Artbound commissions and installs lots of public artwork, but usually in the busiest train stations where it can have the most eyeballs

  • However, this excludes folks who never come through these stations, and all of the transit riders who never even enter a station.

  • How can we, using the power of AI + technology, give people a way to co-create artwork, from anywhere in the system?

What I did:

  • Built a very simple app that asks users a few questions, and then adds their answers to a predetermined AI prompt

  • Used the artwork created from their words is then woven into a larger digital tapestry that can be viewed by anyone inside or outside of the transit system

  • This happens in real-time, so that people can see how answers and the corresponding artwork changes throughout the days, weeks, and months that this project will run.


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