ATL Firefly Project

ATL Firefly Project

Launched: Summer 2021

Client: ATL Firefly Project

Sector: Nonprofit

Scope of Work: Brand Design

Web Design & Copy: Kelly Ridenhour


Atlanta Firefly Project is a community initiative that assists researchers in studying firefly conservation in Atlanta. You can help from your own home, whether you live in an apartment, townhome, detached home, or wherever you call home, your observations are valuable!

All it takes is a commitment to monitor outside your home ideally for two evenings in June and two evenings in July during 2021 (if you cannot do that many it is OK - so what you can) and submit information using our entry form documenting whether or not you see fireflies!” – from the AFP website I worked with my pal Kelly on this project that started as her grad school thesis and has grown into a fully-fledged organization complete with an army of volunteers and a treasure trove of data to back it up.

In particular, I really loved getting to work on the logo – she told me I had free reign to do what I thought was best, and I ended up with a firefly with a stained glass lightbulb as its booty. We even designed and ordered some really beautiful stickers that take this into account – translucent and opaque coloring that comes to light in the nighttime.


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