Livable Cities Initiative (LCI) Logo

Livable Cities Initiative (LCI) Logo

Launched: Summer 2021

Client: Atlanta Regional Commission

Sector: Government

Scope of Work: Brand Design


“Created as a way to reduce vehicle miles traveled and improve air quality, the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) is a grant program that incentivizes local jurisdictions to re-envision their communities as vibrant, walkable places that offer increased mobility options, encourage healthy lifestyles and provide improved access to jobs and services. Since 2000, the LCI program has invested $312 million in more than 120 communities throughout the Atlanta region, helping pay for planning studies and the construction of transportation projects such as sidewalks and intersection improvements, to bring those visions to life. The ARC board has allocated $600 million through 2050 for transportation projects resulting from completed LCI studies. The LCI program is funded with federal transportation dollars. The grants cover 80% of the cost of each study or transportation project, with the recipient making a 20% match.”

– from the LCI website I have long been a fan of the LCI and the work they’ve been able to do around the region – working on this logo, which can represent a map or a city center or a giant C depending on how you look at it, was a dream come true.




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