Completed: Summer 2021

Client: ServeHAITI

Sector: Nonprofit

Scope of Work: Brand Design, Web Design

Copy: Amy Washburn + ServeHAITI Staff


ServeHAITI is an Atlanta-based nonprofit that provides a direct service to the most rural area of Haiti – Grand Bois. There is little to no electricity, postal service, internet access, or telephone, television or radio signal. Based on 2012 census data from the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics (HISI), as well as estimated population growth and a recent influx of refugees from the Dominican Republic, the population of Grand-Bois is estimated at 65,000 residents. Grand-Bois is one of the poorest rural regions in the country.

When asked “Why Grand-Bois?” the answer from the ServeHAITI team is simple: because it was the most challenging. The team operates a health center in the region that provides most of the medical care that residents will receive throughout their lives. However, it’s difficult to fundraise for this mission back in the States because of an outdate design and limited materials. I worked with ServeHAITI over the summer of 2021 to redevelop and reimagine their brand from the ground up; even bringing in a copywriter to help rewrite the copy on every page.

The brand was developed to represent the various aspects of ServeHAITI’s mission, from healthcare to water to economic opportunity, and will serve them well for the next many years.



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