Queen of Cream Retail

Queen of Cream Retail

Completed: Summer 2020

Client: Queen of Cream

Sector: Food & Beverage

Scope of Work: Packaging Design


Queen of Cream is known for their deliciously local and handmade ice cream – however, with the rise of the global pandemic, they had to temporarily close their stores and rely on curbside pint pickup.

Before all of this happened, their pints were simple and white, with a little sticker identifying the ice cream. I worked with QoC to develop a spunky and fun packaging design that could easily stand out on a shelf or in the backseat of your car. Since the pandemic forced the ice cream shop to close and we had a mad rush to create the packaging, the initial design was customizable to any of the flavors by changing out two labels – this way, QoC could order in bulk and not have excess.

After the initial furious pace of the pandemic slowed down (but carried on into 2021), we took a beat to develop individualized packaging for each of Queen of Cream's unique flavors.


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2019 AVLF Annual Report