Taste Bud: Your AI-Powered Chef


Taste Bud

Launched: Fall 2023

Client: Self

Sector: Technology & Food

Scope of Work: Application Design, Branding


What do you have in your fridge or pantry right now that you need to use up?

My partner and I explored using ChatGPT for most of the summer and found that most of our peers at the time had never considered using it for cooking advice. We dreamed up and brought to life this web application together over several weeks.

Taste Bud (powered by ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion) not only helps you brainstorm recipes, it also works in multiple languages, and is receptive to dietary restrictions and skill level.

Elevate your culinary journey with Taste Bud, your AI-powered sous chef. Create delicious recipes using what’s in your pantry, tailored to your preferences, equipment, and schedule. Unleash your inner chef and savor every bite with Taste Bud.

Taste Bud launched on Product Hunt in September 2023 and debuted at #17 globally that day, with a five-star rating. As of writing this, we’ve seen 4,000 unique users create and save over 6,000 recipes in our system.


Dekalb Green New Deal


Futura Fotolab: AI Photobooth